On itinerant theatricality

par Odyssee Karavana Team  -  16 Mars 2019, 15:29


It is high time to bring back nomadism. Time to accept the essential role that can be played by traveling theatre. Time to highlight theatrical procedure from companies that turn their travels into an art of living.

Somewhere between a life of theatre and a theatre of life...

Say goodbye to old circus’ clichés and artistic prejudices that still linger in people’s mindwhen it comes to travelling theatricality. This international meeting in Plovdiv will give a brand new life to a too often left behind theatre practice. Misunderstood or simply put aside, travelling theatre is first of all an art of life. It is a lifestyle that combines Art and Life, that walks along theatre and life stories around the world, and that can make anywhere its home. Between a life of theatre and a theatre of life, PLOVDIV CARAVANA will offer a time for meeting, for thinking and for a sense of community to the many companies honouring the Cultural Capital. The perfect opportunity to discover the thousand and many more identities of travelling, of theatrical wandering and of the diverse artistic contemporary practices gathered under the Bulgarian sky.

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