par Odyssee Karavana Team  -  16 Mars 2019, 15:05


1/06/19 > 10/06/19 

200 nomadic artists and technicians,  from 13 COMPANIESfrom Belgium, France, Italy and Switzerland on foot, with horses, by bicycles or trucks on European roads are coming to share their arts in the oldest town of Europe. In their luggage : theater, dance, music, circus, street art, games, poetry, parades and workshops. This adventure is the pretence to artistic creation and the confluence of all artistic disciplines. 

3 GREAT ARTISTIC SITESsettled in the districts of Trakia (ul. Knyaz Boris I - 4023 Trakia), Stolipinovo (ul. Batak 57, 4006 Stolipinovo) and Nautical Center (Ul. Vladivostok, Septemvri - 4002 Plovdiv).  

1 GREAT FINAL PARADE through the city.





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