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Itinerary from Belgium to Plovdiv
After having started its journey in the Pays de Vaud in May 2019, the convoy of the ArTpenteurs will cross the Mediterranean, accompanied by the Belgian artists and performers of Arts Nomades! After a break in Greece, the trip will continue to Plovdiv...
The CITI is an association which groups professional artistic travelling companies and people or structures in connection with roaming. It is a network, a space of exchange of practices and experiences, it is also a political organization that defends...
PLOVDIV 2019: AND AFTER! We are there now and the city has opened its gates to become European Capital of Culture. Plovdiv has spent a special year , a very special year, for it received the intense visit of companies of itinerant theater from all over...
Teatro Nucleo
Teatro Nucleo si è unito alla Odyssée Karavana! Siamo arrivati a Plovdiv, Capitale Europea della Cultura 2019, con Domino - il nostro nuovo progetto di teatro per gli spazi aperti. Saremo qui dal 1 al 10 giugno con altre 13 compagnie che hanno attraversato...
When CITI’s Charter meets Plovdiv...
This international meeting follows the principles of CITI’s Charter. But it does not only follow them, it incorporates them! Share not just their performance but also an invitation to enter into their universe. Make collective and different imaginaries...
Let’s gather in 2019 in the European Capital of Culture for an international meeting on travelling theatre
Let’s gather in 2019 in the European Capital of Culture for an international meeting on travelling theatre The « raison d’être » of the project Making the European Capital of Culture 2019 the headquarters for a project on travelling theatre? An obvious...
Grèce nous voilà ! Notre Aventure se poursuit joyeusement avec Arts Nomades et Les arTpenteurs à la sortie du bateau jusque chez ΦΙΞ in art à Thessalonique. Odyssée Karavana , CITI - Centre International pour les Théâtres Itinérants pour Plovdiv 2019...
En mai la joyeuse contagion sans frontière de la compagnie Arts Nomades made in Belgique.
En mai fait ce qu’il te plait. En avril aussi. Et le reste de l’année ? Avec Y a de la Joie !/ Where is Joy? et les workshops liés au spectacle, nous propagerons notre itinérance. Il nous plaira de répandre notre joyeux virus en Suisse, en Italie, en...
La carovana della gioia
Where is Joy? Workshop Arts Nomades, Ferrara, Italie. Object Theatre and poetry in the street. Great Team! Meaningless moments spent discarding the real world and overlooking the need to produce goods and services through worthy perspiration and honest...
We carry all those treasures along with us to Plovdiv. They will be an endless resource for creation in motion that will continue in the city of Plovdiv through our workshops. These objects and sounds are transformed by us, we create around them. They...
Is the road making us better?
Is the road making us better? It lays open wide and is more than a vanishing line: a vision. It allows to cross varied landscapes, to reconsider the relation between the inside and the outside. It enables to distance oneself without being left behind....
1/06/19 > 10/06/19 200 nomadic artists and technicians, from 13 COMPANIESfrom Belgium, France, Italy and Switzerland on foot, with horses, by bicycles or trucks on European roads are coming to share their arts in the oldest town of Europe. In their luggage...
PROGRAMS Какво предстои в лагера на Тракия?
(ENGLISH BELOW) 🎪 ПЛОВДИВ КАРАВАНА - Артистични лагери на открито 🥳 15 пътуващи театри от Белгия, Франция, Италия и Швейцария - CITI - Centre International pour les Théâtres Itinérants от 1 до 10 юни 2019 г. ще създадат 3 големи артистични лагера - в...
FUTURE DIARY OF A PLOVDIVIAN CHILD June 20th 2019 - Plovdiv The streets of Plovdiv were feverishly animated early this morning. Caravans had been driving through them in convoy, carried by a warm and soft wind coming from far away. The inhabitants of...
Our presence in Plovdiv
Our presence in Plovdiv (from ten days up to a year) Plovdiv, an open scene Our routes are as diversified as our forms of presence in Plovdiv. Some of us will stay for ten days, others for a month and a half, and still others for one year. But all CITI...
retracer ces routes fertiles en création artistique
À l’heure où les marchandises et l’argent transitent de plus en plus vite, où les discours populistes circulent à la vitesse des réseaux sociaux, il est crucial de rendre à la création une place essentielle sur les routes physiques et métaphoriques d’Europe....
On itinerant theatricality
It is high time to bring back nomadism. Time to accept the essential role that can be played by traveling theatre. Time to highlight theatrical procedure from companies that turn their travels into an art of living. Somewhere between a life of theatre...
Emotional contagion
Emotional contagion We'd better watch out! Joy is contagious! The issue being that when we would rather be happily eating up what the invaluable growth offers us (who said forces us? Speak out now, you vile measel!), joy prevents us from doing so. He...
Maraudeurs vélo voyage kolelo spectacle
Itinerary Maraudeurs maraudeurs vélo voyage Kolelo spectacle
Odyssée Plovdiv Karavana press conference yesterday. Trakia site continues setting up
First meeting of the companies of Trakia. Everyone at his place. Like in a chess game. But here, no throne to fight for. Only building a beautifull artistic event.
По-голяма част от Barakata са вече на наша земя! 🚍 Последна спирка преди Пловдив - Европейска столица на културата 2019 / Plovdiv 2019 ECOC - Montana, Bulgaria
Domino Teatro Nucleo
Trakia Camp Scenography